IELTS Task 2 Writing Question Traffic Jams and Pollution

Read the question below and think about how you would answer it. Compare your ideas to the sample answer that follows.

With the increase in traffic jams and pollution caused by cars in big cities, some people say that public transport should be free in cities to help reduce these problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The proposition that buses, trains and trams should be available to users at no cost in urban areas to combat traffic congestion and vehicle emissions is both compelling and complex. While there are potential benefits of making transport systems free-of-charge, this essay argues that the solution is not entirely straightforward and requires a more nuanced approach.

Offering free public transport could indeed alleviate traffic jams and reduce air contamination. If public transport were more accessible and cost-free, it might encourage more people to abandon their cars in favour of buses, trains, or trams. This shift could lead to a decrease in the number of private vehicles on the roads, thereby reducing traffic congestion and lowering overall pollution levels. Additionally, free public transport could make commuting more affordable for low-income individuals, contributing to greater social equity.

On the other hand, the implementation of free public transport poses significant financial challenges. Funding such a system would require substantial public investment, which might necessitate higher taxes or reallocation of resources from other essential services. Furthermore, without the revenue from fares, there could be concerns about the quality and reliability of public transport services. To ensure that public transport remains efficient and well-maintained, alternative funding mechanisms or subsidies might need to be explored.

In conclusion, while the idea of free public transport has merit in addressing traffic and pollution issues to a certain degree, it should be considered alongside other strategies. For example, investments in improving public transport infrastructure, implementing congestion charges, and promoting sustainable practices such as car-sharing and cycling could assist cities in finding a more balanced and effective approach to urban mobility challenges.

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IELTS Task 2 Writing Traffic Jams and Air Pollution

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