Part 3 of the IELTS Speaking Test

The full IELTS Speaking Test takes 11 to 14 minutes. In today’s free materials we will look at Part 3 of the IELTS Speaking Test which takes between 4 and 5 minutes.

Part 3: Two-way Discussion

In Part 3 of the IELTS Speaking Test, the examiner will ask you questions about more abstract ideas and issues that relate to the topic you were asked to talk about in Part 2.

Example Questions

Example 1: Part 2 Topic Card

Describe a crowded place you’ve been to
You should say:
when you went there
where the place is or was
who you went there with
and explain how you felt about the place.

Examples of related Topic 3 questions

If you received the Topic Card above, in Part 3, you could expect to be asked, typically, 3-5 related questions such as these examples.

Why do you think some people prefer crowded places while others prefer quieter, less crowded environments?
In what ways can crowded places impact people’s mental well-being?
Do you think the government should regulate the number of people allowed in certain crowded places? Why or why not?
What measures can be taken to manage overcrowding in public spaces?
How do you think advancements in technology have affected the way people perceive and interact with crowded places?
Are there any cultural differences in how people respond to crowded places?
What are the benefits and drawbacks of living in a densely populated area?
Do you think urban planning should prioritise reducing overcrowding in cities? Why or why not?
How do crowded places influence consumer behaviour and shopping trends?
What role do public transportation systems play in managing crowds in urban areas?

Example 2: Part 2 Topic Card

Describe an interesting animal you have seen
You should say:
what animal it was
when and where you saw it
who you were with
and explain how you feel about this animal.

Examples of related Topic 3 questions

If you received the Topic Card above, in Part 3, you could expect to be asked, typically, 3-5 related questions such as these examples.

What are some factors that make certain animals more interesting to people than others?
How do you think the interest in different animals varies across cultures?
In what ways can learning about interesting animals benefit society?
Do you think zoos and wildlife reserves play a significant role in educating the public about interesting animals?
What ethical considerations should be taken into account when studying or interacting with interesting animals?
How has human interaction affected the habitats and populations of interesting animals?
How do you think advancements in technology have influenced our understanding of interesting animals?
What responsibilities do individuals have in ensuring the welfare and conservation of interesting animals?
Do you believe that humans have a moral obligation to preserve and protect the habitats of interesting animals, even if it requires significant resources?

Example 3: Part 2 Topic Card

Describe a family member you spend a lot of time with
You should say:
who this person is
what you usually do together
what kind of person he/she is
and explain why you spend a lot of time with him/her.

Examples of related Topic 3 questions

If you received the Topic Card above, in Part 3, you could expect to be asked, typically, 3-5 related questions such as these examples.

How has spending time with this family member influenced your relationship with them?
In what ways do you think spending time with family members contributes to overall family cohesion?
Do you believe that spending time with family members is more important than spending time with friends? Why or why not?
How has modern technology affected the way families spend time together?
What are some challenges families face in finding time to spend together in today’s busy world?
How do cultural factors influence the amount of time families spend together?
Are there any specific traditions or rituals in your family that involve spending time together?
How does the age and life stage of family members affect the time you spend together?
What role do family dynamics play in determining how much time individuals spend with each other?


As with other parts of the IELTS it is best to say as much as you can in response to each question you are asked.

It is important to remember that as the test progresses to Part 3 you need to demonstrate more formal and complex language. This means incorporating higher level vocabulary and grammar into your speech such as conditional sentences and participle clauses and avoiding use of idiomatic language.

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Part 3 IELTS speaking test

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